A special day

The various civilizations that occupied Sicily left their mark not only through cooking and language but also through sacred festivities. Attending one of these festivals allows us to feel that we are a part of these traditions as well as to fully interpret the old tales that often recall sacred or profane events. The cult of saints is so entrenched that it is sometimes confused with pagan rites, which confirms that the Sicilians are often linked to the Saints themselves and that they profess a form of devotion sometimes extreme. Depending on which time of the year you are in Sicily, we can arrange a day for you to experience firsthand some of our festivals. Some highlights are:

San Filippo Siriaco – Calatabiano (Catania ) Third Week of May This festival dates back to 1700. On Saturday, the eve of the holiday, the” calata” is celebrated.  The Santo statue is taken in procession, literally running down, from the Chapel next to the Castle dating from Arab -Norman times to the main church.

Sant’Alfio, San Cirino, San Filadelfio – Trecastagni (Catania ) May 10 These were three brothers who lived in the third century united in the Christian faith. They were tortured for their faith and then killed. During the night before the festival you can see crowds of devotees from various neighboring villages go into the town barefoot and carrying candles to show their devotion.

“U Muzzuni” – Alcara Li Fusi ( Messina) June 24 Cheerful folk festival characterized by the presence of numerous singers visiting small altars built in the streets, singing songs of peasant tradition. “U muzzuni “, glasses decorated with silk scarves and jewels from which ears of wheat bloom are placed on small altars decorated with local crafted tapestries of vivid colours.